The Grand Hôtel de la Poste also provides solutions for professionals. That is why we have several meetings room available for companies for any type of events. For the nomads among you we have created the stopover-night special.
The Grand Hôtel de la Poste also provides solutions for professionals. That is why we have several meetings room available for companies for any type of events. For the nomads among you we have created the stopover-night special.
During your business trips we will be glad to welcome you in one of our 3 meeting rooms fully equipped with videos projectors and Wi-Fi access. With a capacity ranging from 20 to 60 people you are bound to find the meeting room which best suits you.
Coffee, refreshments and snacks. Meal (wine and coffee included). Meeting room fully equipped.
If you are on a business trip in the area and you want to make things simple regarding your accomodation you should opt for our stopover-night special. After your day’s work you will be able to enjoy a complimentary meal (drinks not included) in our traditional restaurant, a good night’s sleep in one of our comfortable rooms and finally wake up to a delicious breakfast.